Pedigree limousin bulls | young bulls for sale

For sale

** Updated 24/04/2024 ** 

A large selection of young bulls, fully semen tested/vet checked are available from the farm, some of which are listed below.

We also have a selection of bulling heifers and young cows for sale privately,

all of which are for sale for reasons of herd numbers and without any faults.

Ideal for top end sucklers or pedigree breeding females.

Bred for calving ease, maternal traits and temperament.

See further details here!


Herd health-

Herd qualified 'Elite'
BVD accredited (since 2008)
IBR accredited (since 2013)
Lepto accredited (since 2023) -Monitored Free (since 2013)
Johnes Risk Level 1
TB4 last test Feb 2024

Tel - 01757 288218

Barry 07825 868939

Paul 07436 076636


Elderberry Tiptop Pp NOW SOLD

 Tiptop Tiptop side

Tiptop info Tiptop ped

Elderberry Tiptop is an excellent quality outcross polled bull. DNA verified and semen tested. Exceptional temperament with good legs, square plates and great width throughout. Dam line originates in Luxembourg and also containes the dam line of successful AI sires Vison and Tango. His sire Intrepide, who is former winnder of NELBC Stock Bull of the Year, is an excellent breeder leaving size, length and grewat temperaments. Tiptop's lines are easy calving and well proven.

Watch the video of Tiptop Pp here

Elderberry Trojan



Fontaine pictured as a maiden heifer at the French National Show.

Video Here

Trojan is an extremely docile bull with excellent length and muscle. Dam line is superb with size length and quality. Ready for substantial work. 


Elderberry Topper

Topper new


TopperTopper ped


Oceana pictured at 12 months old


Topper video here

Topper has real quality and would suit Pedigree or very top end commercial breeding. Topper has been a stand out calf from a very young age.

Joueuse is the only half brother to Fenomen in the UK and is an exceptional milky breeding female line.

Oceana (dam's) full brother is a herd sire in the Manby Grange herd in Lincs.


Elderberry Tadek

Tadek Tadek ped



Elderberry TysonFury

TysonFury IMG-20240408-WA0009


Elderberry Tom

Tom Tom ped


Elderberry Touchdown

 Touchdown Touchdown ped

Touchdown is full brother to Elderberry Superbowl who sold Carlisle May '23 for 5500gns.

Meline (dam) is from a superb milky powerful dam line with growth and width. 

 Touchdown video here


Elderberry Topgun

Topgun Topgun ped

 Elderberry Torn

Torn Torn ped

buchette 2 image eva image

Buchette (dam)                                              Eva (half sister to Torn)

A natural calf from an ageing Buchette, a great dam line, Buchette won best cow and bull calf in the NELBC herd competition. Her bloodline produces consistent quality in the herd 

Torn video here 


Many more to come



 A small selection of bulls sold through the years-




Jac son Elderberry Shakespeare sold Carlisle May 2023 for 14,000gns 

Sold for the 8th highest price at Carlisle, the 2nd highest priced commercial bull and the joint highest priced double F94L bull.



Pontiac side

 Sold privately to the Cornsay herd. A bull made to increase size, length and correctness.






Elderberry Nigel Collage


               Elderberry Nizlopi

 Elderberry Nizlopi

                             Elderberry Musician SOLD PRIVATELY




Elderberry Idaho

Idaho new image 3 Idaho new image 5


 Elderberry Galahad

Milbrook Alistair x Diablesse (Highlander)

Private export sale at 8 1/2 months to Dovea Genetics AI, Republic of Ireland.

Pictured at 10 1/2 months

Galahad image galahad image 2


 This is our biggest achievement selling Galahad to Irish AI company 'Dovea Genetics'. Can be seen here

 Now regarded by Dovea as one of their ''all time greats'' selling over 1 million euros of semen.


The above is merely a selection of the young bulls we have sold over the last few years however we would like to wish to ALL our customers the best of luck with their purchases.


Health status, whilst our herd are vaccinated against BVD, we do not routinely vaccinate against IBR. We strongely recommend that our animals are isolated from any other stock after purchase and vaccinated against IBR with enough time given for seroconversion following the vaccination course, only at this point should they be introduced to other animals. Failure to do so can result in IBR infection that can cause temporary lack of fertility and illness. In this event it can take at least 8 weeks for fertility to recover.